Source code for

import functools
import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
from collections import OrderedDict
from os import path

import cv2

from import check_file_exist, mkdir_or_exist, scandir
from cvbase.opencv import USE_OPENCV2
from cvbase.progress import track_progress

if not USE_OPENCV2:
                     CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, VideoWriter_fourcc)
    from import CV_CAP_PROP_FPS as CAP_PROP_FPS
    from import CV_FOURCC as VideoWriter_fourcc

class Cache(object):

    def __init__(self, capacity):
        self._cache = OrderedDict()
        self._capacity = int(capacity)
        if capacity <= 0:
            raise ValueError('capacity must be a positive integer')

    def capacity(self):
        return self._capacity

    def size(self):
        return len(self._cache)

    def put(self, key, val):
        if key in self._cache:
        if len(self._cache) >= self.capacity:
        self._cache[key] = val

    def get(self, key, default=None):
        val = self._cache[key] if key in self._cache else default
        return val

[docs]class VideoReader(object): """Video class with similar usage to a list object. This video warpper class provides convenient apis to access frames. There exists an issue of OpenCV's VideoCapture class that jumping to a certain frame may be inaccurate. It is fixed in this class by checking the position after jumping each time. Cache is used when decoding videos. So if the same frame is visited for the second time, there is no need to decode again if it is stored in the cache. :Example: >>> import cvbase as cvb >>> v = cvb.VideoReader('sample.mp4') >>> len(v) # get the total frame number with `len()` 120 >>> for img in v: # v is iterable >>> cvb.show_img(img) >>> v[5] # get the 6th frame """ def __init__(self, filename, cache_capacity=10): check_file_exist(filename, 'Video file not found: ' + filename) self._vcap = cv2.VideoCapture(filename) assert cache_capacity > 0 self._cache = Cache(cache_capacity) self._position = 0 # get basic info self._width = int(self._vcap.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)) self._height = int(self._vcap.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) self._fps = int(round(self._vcap.get(CAP_PROP_FPS))) self._frame_cnt = int(self._vcap.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) self._fourcc = self._vcap.get(CAP_PROP_FOURCC) @property def vcap(self): """:obj:`cv2.VideoCapture`: raw VideoCapture object""" return self._vcap @property def opened(self): """bool: indicate whether the video is opened""" return self._vcap.isOpened() @property def width(self): """int: width of video frames""" return self._width @property def height(self): """int: height of video frames""" return self._height @property def resolution(self): """tuple: video resolution (width, height)""" return (self._width, self._height) @property def fps(self): """int: fps of the video""" return self._fps @property def frame_cnt(self): """int: total frames of the video""" return self._frame_cnt @property def fourcc(self): """str: "four character code" of the video""" return self._fourcc @property def position(self): """int: current cursor position, indicating which frame""" return self._position def _get_real_position(self): return int(round(self._vcap.get(CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES))) def _set_real_position(self, frame_id): self._vcap.set(CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, frame_id) pos = self._get_real_position() for _ in range(frame_id - pos): self._position = frame_id
[docs] def read(self): """Read the next frame If the next frame have been decoded before and in the cache, then return it directly, otherwise decode and return it, put it in the cache. Returns: ndarray or None: return the frame if successful, otherwise None. """ pos = self._position + 1 if self._cache: img = self._cache.get(pos) if img is not None: ret = True else: if self._position != self._get_real_position(): self._set_real_position(self._position) ret, img = if ret: self._cache.put(pos, img) else: ret, img = if ret: self._position = pos return img
[docs] def get_frame(self, frame_id): """Get frame by frame id Args: frame_id(int): id of the expected frame, 1-based index Returns: ndarray or None: return the frame if successful, otherwise None. """ if frame_id <= 0 or frame_id > self._frame_cnt: raise ValueError( '"frame_id" must be between 1 and {}'.format(self._frame_cnt)) if frame_id == self._position + 1: return if self._cache: img = self._cache.get(frame_id) if img is not None: self._position = frame_id return img self._set_real_position(frame_id - 1) ret, img = if ret: self._position += 1 if self._cache: self._cache.put(self._position, img) return img
[docs] def current_frame(self): """Get the current frame (frame that is just visited) Returns: ndarray or None: if the video is fresh, return None, otherwise return the frame. """ if self._position == 0: return None return self._cache.get(self._position)
[docs] def cvt2frames(self, frame_dir, file_start=0, filename_tmpl='{:06d}.jpg', start=0, max_num=0, show_progress=True): """Convert a video to frame images Args: frame_dir(str): output directory to store all the frame images file_start(int): from which filename starts filename_tmpl(str): filename template, with the index as the variable start(int): starting frame index max_num(int): maximum number of frames to be written show_progress(bool): whether to show a progress bar """ mkdir_or_exist(frame_dir) if max_num == 0: task_num = self.frame_cnt - start else: task_num = min(self.frame_cnt - start, max_num) if task_num <= 0: raise ValueError('start must be less than total frame number') if start > 0: self._set_real_position(start) def write_frame(file_idx): img = filename = path.join(frame_dir, filename_tmpl.format(file_idx)) cv2.imwrite(filename, img) if show_progress: track_progress(write_frame, range(file_start, file_start + task_num)) else: for i in range(task_num): img = if img is None: break filename = path.join(frame_dir, filename_tmpl.format(i + file_start)) cv2.imwrite(filename, img)
def __len__(self): return self.frame_cnt def __getitem__(self, i): return self.get_frame(i) def __iter__(self): self._set_real_position(0) return self def __next__(self): img = if img is not None: return img else: raise StopIteration next = __next__ def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self._vcap.release()
[docs]def frames2video(frame_dir, video_file, fps=30, fourcc='XVID', filename_tmpl='{:06d}.jpg', start=0, end=0, show_progress=True): """Read the frame images from a directory and join them as a video Args: frame_dir(str): frame directory video_file(str): output video filename fps(int): fps of the output video fourcc(str): foutcc of the output video, this should be compatible with the output file type filename_tmpl(str): filename template, with the index as the variable start(int): starting frame index end(int): ending frame index show_progress(bool): whether to show a progress bar """ if end == 0: ext = filename_tmpl.split('.')[-1] end = len([name for name in scandir(frame_dir, ext)]) first_file = path.join(frame_dir, filename_tmpl.format(start)) check_file_exist(first_file, 'The start frame not found: ' + first_file) img = cv2.imread(first_file) height, width = img.shape[:2] resolution = (width, height) vwriter = cv2.VideoWriter(video_file, VideoWriter_fourcc(*fourcc), fps, resolution) def write_frame(file_idx): filename = path.join(frame_dir, filename_tmpl.format(file_idx)) img = cv2.imread(filename) vwriter.write(img) if show_progress: track_progress(write_frame, range(start, end)) else: for i in range(start, end): filename = path.join(frame_dir, filename_tmpl.format(i)) img = cv2.imread(filename) vwriter.write(img) vwriter.release()
[docs]def check_ffmpeg(func): """A decorator to check if ffmpeg is installed""" @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if'which ffmpeg', shell=True) != 0: raise RuntimeError('ffmpeg is not installed') func(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]@check_ffmpeg def convert_video(in_file, out_file, pre_options='', **kwargs): """Convert a video with ffmpeg This provides a general api to ffmpeg, the executed command is:: ffmpeg -y <pre_options> -i <in_file> <options> <out_file> Options(kwargs) are mapped to ffmpeg commands by the following rules: - key=val: "-key val" - key=True: "-key" - key=False: "" Args: in_file(str): input video filename out_file(str): output video filename pre_options(str): options appears before "-i <in_file>" """ options = [] for k, v in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, bool): if v: options.append('-{}'.format(k)) elif k == 'log_level': assert v in [ 'quiet', 'panic', 'fatal', 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'verbose', 'debug', 'trace' ] options.append('-loglevel {}'.format(v)) else: options.append('-{} {}'.format(k, v)) cmd = 'ffmpeg -y {} -i {} {} {}'.format(pre_options, in_file, ' '.join(options), out_file) print(cmd), shell=True)
[docs]@check_ffmpeg def resize_video(in_file, out_file, size=None, ratio=None, keep_ar=False, log_level='info', **kwargs): """Resize a video Args: in_file(str): input video filename out_file(str): output video filename size(tuple): expected (w, h), eg, (320, 240) or (320, -1) ratio(tuple or float): expected resize ratio, (2, 0.5) means (w*2, h*0.5) keep_ar(bool): whether to keep original aspect ratio log_level(str): log level of ffmpeg """ if size is None and ratio is None: raise ValueError('expected size or ratio must be specified') elif size is not None and ratio is not None: raise ValueError('size and ratio cannot be specified at the same time') options = {'log_level': log_level} if size: if not keep_ar: options['vf'] = 'scale={}:{}'.format(size[0], size[1]) else: options['vf'] = ('scale=w={}:h={}:force_original_aspect_ratio' '=decrease'.format(size[0], size[1])) else: if not isinstance(ratio, tuple): ratio = (ratio, ratio) options['vf'] = 'scale="trunc(iw*{}):trunc(ih*{})"'.format( ratio[0], ratio[1]) convert_video(in_file, out_file, **options)
[docs]@check_ffmpeg def cut_video(in_file, out_file, start=None, end=None, vcodec=None, acodec=None, log_level='info', **kwargs): """Cut a clip from a video Args: in_file(str): input video filename out_file(str): output video filename start(None or float): start time (in seconds) end(None or float): end time (in seconds) vcodec(None or str): output video codec, None for unchanged acodec(None or str): output audio codec, None for unchanged log_level(str): log level of ffmpeg """ options = {'log_level': log_level} if vcodec is None: options['vcodec'] = 'copy' if acodec is None: options['acodec'] = 'copy' if start: options['ss'] = start else: start = 0 if end: options['t'] = end - start convert_video(in_file, out_file, **options)
[docs]@check_ffmpeg def concat_video(video_list, out_file, vcodec=None, acodec=None, log_level='info', **kwargs): """Concatenate multiple videos into a single one Args: video_list(list): a list of video filenames out_file(str): output video filename vcodec(None or str): output video codec, None for unchanged acodec(None or str): output audio codec, None for unchanged log_level(str): log level of ffmpeg """ _, tmp_filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.txt', text=True) with open(tmp_filename, 'w') as f: for filename in video_list: f.write('file {}\n'.format(path.abspath(filename))) options = {'log_level': log_level} if vcodec is None: options['vcodec'] = 'copy' if acodec is None: options['acodec'] = 'copy' convert_video( tmp_filename, out_file, pre_options='-f concat -safe 0', **options) os.remove(tmp_filename)